"Claremont Residences II is complete, we currently await titles to be issued
by Landgate and expect this to take place shortly. Following that, settlements
will commence. As soon as titles have been issued, we will be in contact with
all purchasers."
The above notification appeared on Multiplex's website this morning so maybe we will be able to settle and move in before too much longer. According to the Spokesperson, an announcement will be made "towards the end of this week" and their legal team is working with Landgate.We have had another day of very heavy rain but no gale-force winds as predicted. It will be nice to move from here; the weeds are having a field day and I feel responsible for removing them. My poor house; it has been good to me and will be demolished which makes me feel sad but the upkeep is overwhelming on a weatherboard house 110 years old and the thought that it would be due to be painted again in a couple of years is very daunting.