Wednesday, May 23, 2012

More weighty problems

I have just weighed the cats since they were both interested in sitting on my bathroom scales; Parsifal weighs 3.9 kilos and Poppy is 2.3 kilos.  Obviously, she is now much smaller than he is and I sometimes suspect that she has a bit of ragdoll blood in her.  She is very cuddly and goes quite floppy when I pick her up and she sort of folds up with all her feet in the air.  Parsifal likes to know what is going on from his higher position and even though he has now pretty well grown into his nose he still has the ears forward, wide-eyed look which makes him appear alert and ready to go.

We have a rubber ball crisis at the moment; he hides them and I have to go out and buy more.  On Mothers' Day the family all came over for lunch and the GBs searched the apartment and found quite a number of them but all but one have disappeared again.

Last Tuesday (15th) Himself and I attended a 'Technology Training Day' where people could roll up and ask about computers, bringing their own if they wanted to so that we could sort out problems they were having.  It was rather spoiled, I felt, by a man from Officeworks who had a microphone and gave a talk, which lasted over an hour, on the direction in which computers are heading  -  a bit advanced for someone who wanted to know how to clear her cookies.

Then he handed out iPads and proceeded to give a lesson by which time I had given up and fielded three women with basic questions to sort out.  I gather that a number of participants had come just to hear him and will suggest that next time he is given the floor all to himself and we do our thing on another day or in another room.

Our Lotto Lunches have been moved to Mondays and I am organizing this one, having to do the notifications this week.  Fridays were easier for that reason but Fridays no longer suit everyone and Mondays do.

It is Herself's birthday on Friday and the Selfs are having a party on Saturday.  Hopefully it should be fun.

Monday, May 7, 2012


The electrician came last week to fix the blinking down-light in the kitchen.  He installed a new transformer and it seemed OK except that the globe was floppy and determined to direct its light in the wrong direction.  Then it started blinking again; not as badly but enough to be annoying.

And then another of the kitchen lights failed and although I thought that it was probably a globe I could not get the fitting out to change it  -  so I phoned the Multiplex rep and the electrician came again today.  The second light was just a globe as I suspected since it didn't blink, simply failed altogether but the blinking one was found to have a burnt-out connection, so it now has yet another transformer, and the electrician said that the connection which had burnt out was not necessary.  He removed it and tested the whole thing by plugging it into a power point.  Hopefully, that will be the end of it although Coles downstairs has run out of the sort of globes used in the lights here so I suspect that I am not the only one with problems.

I am getting a little bit concerned about Parsifal's figure and may have to limit the kittens' browsing.  Princess Poppy has a neat, slim figure and it would be a shame to deprive her of an occasional nibble.  Parsifal the Porky is certainly very active so perhaps he will grow into his figure the way he is starting to grow into his nose.  The top picture is Princess Poppy and the bottom one has Poppy on the left of the photo and Parsifal on the right. Click on the photos to enlarge them ...

Oldest best friend has been ill and is on the "Hospital at Home" programme which he says is working well.  It is certainly a better idea than sticking people in hospital for maintenance treatment.  Hopefully he will be up and about soon.  The ex has had bilateral knee arthroscopies and has been on crutches.  Been there and done that  -  the crutches, I mean  -  and it is very irritating. even with elbow crutches.  But he was always a bad patient so he is probably a bit hard to deal with at the moment.  Hopefully he will be back on his feet soonest.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Hibou is no longer having chemotherapy.  He was so ill after the last dose that D2 has decided to discontinue the treatment.  I thought that he was only to have six treatments but it was going to be 29 which is about six months of feeling awful.  Not a good prospect.

There were no internet clients today so I have been doing fun jobs like washing and sterilising the litter trays.  Parsifal looks longingly up at the kitchen bench but now knows that he is not supposed to get up there.  What he does when I am not around to see him is quite another matter but so far I haven't seen any little paw marks.

Poppy almost managed to turn on one of the bathroom taps yesterday.  She managed to move the lever up but not quite enough to release the water.

They are very good at bedtime and as soon as I make a move to turn out my light they put themselves to bed and only join me under the duvet in the early morning.

I gave up on waiting for the Multiplex rep to phone me back about the four non-functioning lights and did what she told me last time  -  contact the electrician direct.  So I did that and was told that 1) the warranty runs out tomorrow and 2) I could not contact them direct and that I had to go through Multiplex.  But they contacted Multiplex to find out if I was bona fide and Multiplex contacted me to say that the warranty is not due to run out just yet and that they would organise for  the lights to be fixed.  They haven't got back to me yet; hopefully they will not just turn up.