Parsifal is being a proper little house-cat at the moment, helping me cook, wash up, change the sheets on the bed and sweep the floors. I have some photos and a nice one of Poppy who, being a princess, doesn't DO housework. She is content to lap sit and yowl when things are not done to her liking, which is quite often.
Click on the picture to enlarge it
The wills which I ordered have not been processed yet. I phoned the Probate Office yesterday and they are in a queue which is manned by volunteers so I have to take my turn. My mail is going astray again so I was afraid that they had got lost but nothing has yet been taken out of my bank account. That fact reassured me but I was afraid that I had filled in the forms wrongly or something and they had been binned. Not so ... they will come eventually.
In the meantime I can entertain myself by making a start on the much-married Davies familywhich I shall try to get straight for posterity.
We start back at COTA next week. Hopefully no-one will want to learn Windows 8 becaue I haven't properly got it straight in my mind yet and Surface doesn't have a Sim Card so internet will be an issue if people bring their own computers. Oh, well! I have a couple of how-to books.