Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Busy, Busy, Busy.

I have just looked at my calendar for next week and I have something on every day and it is not going to get any better as we wind up to Christmas.

On the subject of busy I have saved a quote from Rachel Maddow on the subject.  I saved it because in made me burst out laughing.  Sarcasm will get you almost anywhere, even onto my blog.  It relates to Donald Trump's non-visit to the Arlington Memorial:

"As for the president being “extremely busy” on Veterans Day, his official White House schedule included no events.

Trump also found time last Monday to publish plenty of tweets, including missives demanding Florida officials stop counting lawful ballots and blaming Democrats for recent stock market losses.

I don’t doubt he was at least somewhat busy – the president’s television isn’t going to watch itself – but the idea that Trump couldn’t have taken some time to do what presidents do on Veterans Day is very hard to take seriously."

I have had my 'seniors' check' which I hope that I passed  -  but my doctor informed me as I went out the door, that I have weak legs.  She didn't test them and I am seriously annoyed and will show her how to muscle test and throw in how to test for balance for good measure.  Last time I looked, the most common cause of fractured neck of femur was elderly people getting up in the dark in the middle of the night to spend a penny.

I can actually remember back to a time when to spend a penny was a reality.  There was a shop in Adelaide, South Australia, where a penny in the slot opened the door to the cubicle.  The store was Miller Andersons and it may still be there.  I know that the doors were kept (probably heritage listed) and one acquired the necessary penny from the attendant.  I do not suppose that there are attendants any more either.  FYO  -  I do not live in South Australia and did not set out to find antique public toilets last time I was there.

And now the limerick:-

There was a young lady of Condover
Whose husband had ceased to be fond of her.
He could not forget
He had wooed a brunette
But peroxide had now made a blonde of her.

Friday, November 16, 2018

Christmas Comes, Thankfully, but Once a Year

My tooth has been filled.  It was such a huge cavity that I didn't think that it would be possible but it is done and dusted and only took an hour so I managed the string bag knitting workshop where I knitted my eternal scarf which is what I fall back on when I do not want to knit something where I have to keep count of rows or stitches.  String bags I do not need; I have more bags than I could possibly use already.

So now I have to think about Christmas.  It is my turn to have the family on Christmas Day although D2 is working.  The menu is the same every year  -  potato salad and trifle although D3 and family cannot eat the trifle because of milk protein and gluten sensitivities.  D3 brings dessert for her family but I have been told about a delicious orange and almond cake and thought that I might buy one for the D3s and anyone else who wants a piece.

I seem to be spending more and more time at my computer reading about the goings-on in USA and The United Kingdom.  We are not doing all that well here at present either but things look as though they are about to really blow up in UK and USA

Poppy is back on anti-inflammatory medication and is much more settled and so far this evening there have been no spats.  Parsifal goes riding in the kitty carriage most days and is very vocal when he wants to go out.  I am meeting some interesting people who stop to talk.  There is the nice man who sells "The Big Issue" and who has a cat at home but has a toy cat in his trolley.  I run into him quite often and today I met a man wearing a crown.  I had a feeling that he and his friend were from the hostel over the railway line but I am only guessing.

As you can see, I have done very little and need to get back to crossing items off my bucket list of things which I have been putting off  -  such as calling in an electrician to replace all the lights which have failed, about half a dozen at last count.  I keep putting it off because I think that the light in my study is about to fail  - but the power to the area has been upgraded and flickering has stopped.  And getting the fridge door adjusted.

The limerick:-

This one was, according to my book, written by the Reverend Charles Inge.

A Lady while dining at Crewe
Found an elephant's whang in her stew.
Said the waiter, "Don't shout,
Or wave it about, 
Or the others will all want one too."

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Just When . . .

After a couple of weeks of something happening most days I thought that I finally had a clear view of this next week.  Too bad that on Friday one of my fillings fell out into my muesli and the first appointment to see my dentists is tomorrow lunch time which is, sadly, going to clash with my knitting group although I will probably manage it albeit late.

There is going to be a workshop on knitting string bags which I do not need so I am not missing a lot.  Living over the top of a shopping centre containing two supermarkets I simply load my groceries back into the trolley and wheel it all upstairs.

Last week I had to have a physical check-up and a 'seniors' mental assessment very similar to the one which Donald Trump insisted on to prove that he is not dementing.  His was on paper and on-line so that he could learn the answers but although mine was similar it was random questions which hopped all over the place so that I didn't know if they were going to throw a curve ball next time around.

I got one wrong that I know of; asked the date I managed the year and the month but fell down on the date.  I have been so fixated in November 6th (Americans will relate to that) that I said the sixth instead of the eighth.  I was able to confidently repeat the phrase "No ands ifs or buts" because it was used where I used to work, I had to spell 'world' backwards and write a sentence.  I cheated there by using a line from a poem so it was in my long-term memory but I have no problem writing sentences or I would not be writing this blog.  And no serial sevens; that is one which I practise when I can't sleep  -  a bit like counting sheep.

D1 flew over for a couple of days to attend S/W's birthday and walked off with my shower cap but she will be back for Christmas.  I went out and bought a new one today.  It was needed anyway.

The limerick:-

There was a young maiden from Multerry,
Whose knowledge of life was desultory;
She explained, like a sage,
"Adolescence?  The stage
Between puberty and - er - adultery."