Tuesday, June 25, 2019

I neve thought that the day would come ..

When I was so bored that I opted to do the ironing.

I had a cataract removed from my right eye last Wednesday and although I am allowed to read, watch television and use a computer I am not seeing well and instead of being able to find a way around the problem my vision keeps changing so that what worked an hour ago no longer solves the problem.

I have another three weeks before I see the surgeon again and I can only hope that the eye would have sorted out before then.

So nothing of note to report from Chez Pink.  At least I can still KNIT.

The limerick:-

This was the prize-winning limerick from a competition in which a prize was awarded to the person who supplied the best last line.

There was a young lady of Ryde
Whose locks were considerably dyed.
The hue of her hair
Made everyone stare ...
"She's piebald, She'll die bald!" they cried

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Nanny State Gone Wild?

I have recently changed the brand of yoghurt which I use.  It is thick, creamy and delicious.  On the carton are the words "Plain Whole Milk Greek Yoghurt".  Down at the bottom of the carton are the words  "Whole Milk Yoghurt".

As it is so thick and creamy I wondered if a thickener had been added so I read the list of ingredients:-  Skim milk, Cream, Live Yoghurt Cultures.  CONTAINS  MILK

Just fancy that  -  contains milk?

In Great Britain there has been a questionnaire about the most popular names for cats and would you believe that the most popular female cat's name is Poppy so we are right up with it, although her proper kennel name is Poppaea (she was Nero's wife, poor woman).  Parsifal didn't even get a look-in, nor did its diminutive Percy.  Parsifal was one of the Grail Knights and is supposed to have been the one who found the Holy Grail but he was not very bright so it must have been the magical ring given to him, as these things were, by a maiden whom he met in the forest.

I have two one-hundredth birthday parties scheduled for this week (same person, different organisers) and a dental appointment and then next week I am having my first cataract removed from my eye which I am not looking forward to as the outcome is slightly questionable.  The ophthalmologist is all for getting it removed but this time last year he was saying that I could be risking total blindness if I had it done.  I will still have one eye, though, and if the first eye is OK then I will have the second one done.  It will either be no spectacles or a white stick.

The Limerick:-

When you go to a store in Ascutney,
There is no use to ask them for Chutney.
You may plead, you may tease,
You may go on your knees:
It will do you no good, they ain't got any.

Wednesday, June 5, 2019


It has been a fraught couple of weeks since my last post.

Hopefully I have sorted out the computer hacking.  I have a new credit card and a new pin number and no money appears to have been taken out of my bank account.  The teller at the Bank double checked, shredded my card and sent off for a new one.  Before I used it I needed to know that my computer was clear of nasties so I called in a local expert (Techie does not seem to be around at the moment  -  maybe he has retired).  The new expert, Frank, scanned the computer and found what I had suspected, a malware file, and quarantined it.  I have since deleted it.  He then installed a malware program which hopefully works  - although I acknowledge that the whole episode was entirely my own fault.  So now I have to remember my new pin number.

For ages I have has three of my LED lights not working and I have been waiting for the other shoe to drop before I called in an electrician.  Well, the other shoe has dropped with a thud and the light began flashing Morse code at me just over my work table.  The electrician  is coming back in two days with new lights for me but disconnected the flashing one for me as it was impossible to live with.

Now Facebook is not working properly but so far I have been able to work around that  -  it just takes time.  I know that Google has been having problems and hope that this is all a part of the general upheaval.  And one of the Lifts in A Block is not working and so far it has been impossible to fix.

And I can't use my mobile phone properly yet but that is nothing to do with electronics.  The fault is not in our stars, dear Brutus . . .etc.  I have managed to put in the names of most of the contacts I need and it is only time and inclination which has prevented me from completing that job but there are things in there which I have no idea about; Snake?

On a lighter note:-

There was a young girl from St Paul
Wore a newspaper dress to a ball;
But her dress caught on fire
And burned her entire
Front page, sporting section, and all.