I opened the door an' the fly's swarm in
Closed the door and I'm sweatin' again
And in the pros... (a huchh) crack my shinJust one darn thing after another.
(Recorded by Walter Breennan)
We are still in lockdown here in the West but if all goes to plan we will be open to interstate travellers tomorrow so contact tracing has been put in place. I have an app which is supposed to record any place where I sit down with other people but I had some difficulty loading it onto my smart phone and haven't tried it out yet. I will do so tomorrow when I go to knitting over in the Library where the librarians will be able to point me in the right direction. I loaded it last week in the library but it refused to connect until I returned to my apartment (traffic overload?) so I am not quite sure how may numbers I put after my password. I will find out tomorrow.
I have been neglecting my blog recently due to the hospitals gearing up to do as much surgery as possible before the State opens up so I have had my long-overdue left cataract removed (short in the left eye to balance the long distance in the right eye as the right eye has no short vision, a thing which I discovered when i got home with the left eye covered and found that I was not able to measure out Poppy's anti-inflamatory drops and had to get GB1, who was babysitting me, to do the measuring.
I have also finally had my painful toe shortened and fused at one joint, something which I have been trying to get fixed for over five years. The toe is still very swollen and I am wearing a funny shoe thingy to protect it. Hopefully I will be able to get back to exercising in the new year.
And back to my problems with banking on-line; last time I paid an account everything was shrunken so it looks as though the Bank is planning on making everything Smartphone size. Grrrrr!
Enough with the bitching; The Limerick:-
A newlywed lady from Young
Asked the doctor to fix her torn lung.
When asked how it ripped
She replied as she stripped,
"The man that I married is hung!"