Grief and misery,
pains and woes
Debts and taxes, yea, so it goes
I think I'm gettin' a cold in my nose
Life get tee-just don't it?.
Recorded by Walt Brennan
Covid Koala the Drop Bear is back on my window sill as we have gone back into lockdown again but, at this stage, only for three days so I have unearthed my masks again. We are lucky - only one local case, unlike New South Wales which has had over 30 infections and growing. D1 lives and works in Greater Sydney so she is right in the thick of it and is back to working from home.
I am due to have my second Astra-Zenica injection on July 16 and will feel happier when I have full cover although I am not sure how effective it will be against the forth mutation of the virus which is the one which is the one making people sick in the Eastern States at the moment and which is highly infectious.
My most exciting news is that the guide-puppy which I have sponsored arrived unexpectedly late last Thursday night and is in the care of a puppy minder who's remit is to potty-train her according to a friend who has close connections with Visibility. The puppy's name is Bridie and she has already learned the 'sit' command. She is black but beautiful to quote the Bible's description of the Queen of Sheba.
My pictures are starting to fall down and I am going to have to get someone to put them up again. Currently they are suspended by fishing line to a sort of gallery hook and rail system and the only picture hanger who seems to advertise online is called The Hangman so when the lockdown ends I will need to get him/them in to rehang everything after I have dusted the tops as I have been too afraid that I will bring them all down if I try and put on too much pressure.
The Limerick:-
There was an eccentric old boffin
Who said, when he couldn't stop coughin',
"It isn't the cough
That carries you off.
It's the coffin they carry you off in."