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I am finally trying to get my life back to normal. Since we came out of lockdown I seem to have spent an inordinate amount of time visiting doctors, dentists and the like but so far I only have a long visit to my GP in the almost foreseeable future.
The knitting group carried on regardless but masked and a much-reduced lunch group reconvened this last week. I am not sure if there will be another one; we were down to three but nice to see old friends again.
My main problem at the moment is my earthworm farm. D2 promised to regularly remove the worm castings but she seems to have disappeared. I stopped feeding them as the farm was full and I threatened to put them in biodegradeable bags and dump them in a red-topped bin . . . but find that I cannot kill them so I am back to feeding them for the time being. As it is winter here they will not cook if dumped so we will have to consider our options. I will give it a bit more time before I bag them up and dump them.
My cats are going gray and I have put them onto a soft diet as I was getting fed up with cleaning up the up-chuck every morning. It took them a few days but they seem to be enjoying the change. One problem is that a lot of the supermarket cat food is tuna and Poppy, when she was only a kitten developed a tumour which analysis found was caused by too much tuna which would have been what her breeder fed her kittens on; I have never fed tuna to my cats.
The Limerick:
Mark Twain was a mop-heaqded male
Whose narratives sparkled like ale;
And this Prince of the Grin
Who once fathered Huck Finn
Can still hold the world by the tale!