Saturday, February 4, 2023

Today I took Covid Koala out of the window - but I am not holding my breath

 The code was willing!

It considered your request,

But the chips were weak.

That is about right, too.  Over the last year my computer has changed considerably and I am once again feeling my way through the abyss.

The computer was hacked last July and the effect on me was not good.  I found myself in a real lather whenever I needed to do any financial transactions and although everything went as I wished I found the two-step verification a pain and I had to buy a new, fancy mobile phone to enable it.  Now that I have mastered it I have found that I am mostly not asked to do it.  Luckily I do not use Medibank or Optus so it could have been worse.

The reason I am back to writing this Blog is the information that a friend still comes in and reads it sometimes.  And I guess that it is a record of what I am doing; nothing much at the moment . . .

A lot of time has been spent catching up on medical stuff but yesterday my ophthalmologist decided that the right retina which he has bee obsessing about for years is stable and he will check on it in two years which is a huge weight off my mind as I always thought that it was not necessary . . . but he is a retina guru so I suppose that we must pander to obsessions.

Like the post which I wrote about a year ago  -  it is still hot; 39 degrees today.  My cats are going grey and are limping a bit but there is a new arthritis injection for cats which I shall investigate although I think that it is a bit early to go down that road but I have put my Vet on notice about it.  It is a once-per-month deal and obviously once I start down that road there will be no gpoing back.  I'll stick to the oral anti-inflamatory medication for the time being.

I think that I have exhausted the funny but respectable Limericks so I will be repeating myself as the writing of Limericks seems to be  lost art but here goes:

There was a young lady of Ryde,
Whose locks were considerably dyed.
The hue of her hair 
Made everyone stare;
"She's piebald, she'll die bald" they cried,