Yesterday was the first day of winter. Hard to believe - I was running around in a tanktop and the temperature reached over 26ºC [that is about 80ºF] and the rain and thunderstorms which were predicted were nowhere in sight. It did rain a bit last night but it was gentle and silent.
Luckily, the rain held off for the six hours needed for the poison spray to, hopefully, work on Mr Downhill Nextdoor's ivy. He didn't plant it and it is not his fault that it has pulled the fence over almost to the point of no return. And he chopped it off at the base but it takes more than that to get rid of the stuff. We have both agreed that the fence needs to be replaced but it is going to make a mess of his garden and there is no way that a new fence can go in while the ivy is clinging to the old one. In fact, if we can get rid of the ivy it might be possible to simply replace the fenceposts.
I have cut back most of the creepers on the back fence and mulched the results. The top and the honeysuckle which has grown through the fence into the back lane can be dealt with using my hedge cutter but the growth in my backyard needs to be done by hand. It is a horrible job and one which I put off as long as I can but if it isn't done annually it become a horrific task with the honeysuckle becoming dead and woody underneath, whereas, if it is done every autumn then it looks both tidy and fresh.
There are other jobs which need doing but they are beyond my capacity and I will have to get professional help to deal with them. And it is coming into weed time ...
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