For Christmas my grandbabies gave me another Webkinz toy to keep the unicorn company. The new addition is a siamese kitten called Tuulikki and she doesn't eat as much as the unicorn. However, I have sorted out the money problems and now have more than I need so I am creating a Jacaranda forest. I think that both cyber animals fade out of existance on Christmas Day this year unless I add another one. There is a pink and brown baby dragon which has rather taken my fancy but I am firmly resisting - for the moment, anyway.
Mr Next-door-down-the-hill should be home tomorrow so hopefully he will get onto clearing the fence line and with February looming I need to start getting quotes for the new fence.
On a more serious note, Boy-cat is starting to show his age and has just finished a course of four injections to help with his arthritis. He is being spoilt rotten at the moment and my aim is to keep him as comfortable and happy as possible for as long as possible but not take him with me when I move next year. I have discussed this with the vet and he is in full agreement with me that it would not be kind to confine a free-range, very elderly cat, in a penthouse where he would be forced to use a litter tray - something he hates - and no access to a garden or a sunny spot to sleep: the apartment faces south so will only get sun on the balcony in the early morning and the evening. It is going to be hard to let him go ...
... and now your cyber hint for the day:
Never describe yourself as a beer can collector.
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