Monday, August 8, 2011

I have moved

It is now a week since my household was all packed up ready for the big move. Last Monday 1/08/2011 all the small things were wrapped and put into boxes, except for my bedclothes.

On Tuesday morning at 8.00am I had to be at the new apartment for the telephone connection and the washing machine man but I received a phone call to say that the packers, back at the house, would/could not pack anything unless I was there; so I sat on the veranda for four hours and watched my furniture being carried down to the removalists’ truck. The loading dock had been booked from noon to 2.00pm but no-one at the loading dock was expecting them so I had to contact the Building Manager. They didn’t arrive until 1.00pm and discovered that the truck was too high to go into the dock. More delays!! However, the phone line was working and the washing machine had been installed, luckily with a comprehensive instruction book since I had missed out on the demo.

The Town Council had to be contacted for permission to park the truck on the footpath and everything was unloaded into the loading dock and then transported up to the apartment. It took until 6.00pm by which time we were all exhausted and the apartment was full of boxes.

On Wednesday I had to go back to the house to let the cleaners in and then back here to let the unpacker ladies in. They did an amazing job and neatly stacked all the boxes in the spare bedroom … but they put some things in very odd places and I am still searching for a packet of breadmix which seems to have vanished without a trace.

Techie came on Friday and sorted out the computer connections and hooked up my main one to the dongle so that I can use the internet until my server connects me. I have a nasty feeling that I might end up with a one [1] tagged onto my email user name. I have emailed them to confirm and protest but so far have not heard and I can still log in to my web-mail with the old user name.

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