I went to my first yoga session today and had to stop about halfway through because I started to feel dizzy and nauseated; my inner ears can't cope with that much head movement and rotation. I think that the instructor who took the introductory session on Monday was right that if I am going to do yoga at all it will have to be the 'restorative', not the 'vinyasa' yoga. Pity about that - I really wanted to do the vinyasa type.
The Restorative sessions are at 12.15pm on Monday, Thursday and Sunday afternoons so I'll give it a go next week and see if I can cope better with the less kinetic version.
Parsifal has eaten a bit of a polystyrene meat tray which I had thoroughly washed and put into a soft, woven plastic-type bag. He ate a hole in the bag to get to the meat tray. I am now waiting for it to appear out the other end or he will upchuck (hopefully). No sign of either option yet. He is a worry and I am hanging out waiting for the return of the animal behaviorist next month although I suspect that he will not start practising again until next year.
For all that he is a problem he is also a most delightful cat; a real clown and wants to be into everything. He keeps me constantly amused. Poppy's aim in life is still to be a lapcat and she is always curled up on my bed when I wake up in the morning, ready for a bit of smooching. His nibs is out on the balcony sunbathing, since we get early morning sun during summer. He is making the most of it and I can understand that. Poppy joins him when I get out of bed.
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