Monday, May 6, 2013

Problem solved

I went out and bought another kitten igloo this morning and put it in my bedroom next to Poppy's igloo.  Parsifal immediately abandoned Poppy's and claimed the new one ... which is what I hoped would happen.

Just catching up on an earlier post  -  my DVD player had died which is why I was getting no sound so Ashe, the technician, advised me to get a Bluetooth DVD player.  It was very cheap and works so I have been doing 'Yoga with Julie' every couple of days.  And Australia went digital on 2nd of this month and I can finally get a good radio reception up here in my seven storeys of concrete.

Apropos of the Slush file, I found a map of the 'Hundred of Onkaparinga' so, to a degree, we have been able to work out where the Martin Block went.  Unfortunately, Great Uncle C's part is mostly off the map.  Bro put in the current roads and coloured Great Uncle R's portion and what there was of Great Uncle C's portion.  We still don't know how their sister ended up with a fairly large part of the block.  My brother's comment:

"The family owned a hell of a lot of land!!"

The puzzle is that our grandfather was not left any of it so how did he end up with any at all ... or was he simply a tenant farmer?

The more I delve into the goings on in the family the more puzzles I turn up.  There has got to be a finishing point somewhere but it is so far away that I can't see it.  I suspect that there may have been a tweaking of the will as my grandfather and his twin brother were born within wedlock and therefore legitimate and entitled to part of the inheritance even though they were little cuckoos in the nest.

Here is a photo of both cats.  Click on the picture to enlarge it.

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