Today is election day on Australia and I went out early to cast my vote because the weather forecast said that it was going to get stormy with thunder and heavy rain later in the day. I got a bit wet but nothing to fuss about and now it is fine and sunny. Never believe what you read online. Anyway, after five weeks of nothing but nasty politics in the news we will hopefully get some respite after the tally count.
I am babysitting the grandbabies tonight and the poor little things will probably be bored out of their minds because nothing will prevent me from watching the vote count.
I have finished knitting the yuckie pink thing and have two small skeins of yarn left; mittens, maybe? Anyway some gorgeous fibre has arrived from New Zealand and as I am almost finished spinning the kilo of tops which I have used to sort out the settings and quirks of E.Roberta I feel ready to tackle something more fancy. I don't know what I am going to do with my current spinning, though. It is rather from the ridiculous to the sublime, very chunky and as it is not greasy and therefore "fluffed" it is very soft and light. I must compare it with some washed yarn I spun 20 or so years ago on E.Emma 'in the grease' to see if I am anywhere near the quality which I used to spin.
I have a couple of blending boards and a diz somewhere in the ether and am thinking of getting a picker because my thumbs are not going to be able to cope with combing greasy locks; they are already complaining about my spinning. I am trying to spend about one hour each day spinning and trying to do at least 30 minutes of yoga and meditate as well so I am keeping very busy which is good but it is mainly because I am not reading much; I don't like most of the books which are around at the moment and what reading I do is mostly re-reading my favourites.
The cats think that it is spring and are very excited because the ravens are back on the roof and the weather is not so cold so they are spending more time on the balcony where they can swear at the birds. I have bought them a new 'dome' litter tray for the balcony. The one I had there before was an open one and when the rain was blown over the litter it set solid. Parsifal, of course, used the new one four times the day I installed it but hasn't used it since. He really does like to 'own' everything new.
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