Friday, October 4, 2013

Bhangbhangduc! (with thanks to Terry Pratchett)

There was high drama today when a drink driver did a U-turn into the oncoming traffic on Stirling Highway in front of my apartment, hit a Mazda driven by a very young girl who must have been shattered , veered off the road and hit three police officers who were walking along the footpath minding their own business.  He failed a breath test and when his car was searched drugs were found so he has been taken into custody. 

The highway was blocked off through Claremont, there was crime scene tape across the road, dozens of police and cameramen ... and three helicopters circling overhead.  I spent some time this morning watching the proceedings and drinking coffee.  I had a bird's eye view.

This afternoon Herself, Himself's brother and his wife, who were in the area dropped in to meet the cats.  Parsifal disgraced himself by making a small puncture hole in the wrist if Himself's brother's wife but I think that he only wanted to sniff her hand and she kept on moving it away.

And this evening I helped D2 to bath her poor little cat, Chloe, who was missing for five weeks and is still too weak to manage herself to the litter tray.  She is pitifully thin but getting good care so I hope that she makes it.  She has been in hospital for the last week, on a drip, so mobility was going to be difficult for her anyway.  When I got home Parsifal sniffed every last square centimetre of the hand I used to hold her while D2 shampooed and rinsed her.  He is a very curious cat.

I have finished spinning the "Storm" yarn and it is dry and skeined.  It actually turned out rather well but no more commercial blends for a while.  I have a kilo of black corridale which I can now start on and that should be infinitely easier than '"Storm".  I was going to start to knit it but realised that I needed some circular needles in the correct size so that will have to wait until after the Royal show is finished for the year as it is not a lot of fun driving around the area while some of the roads on the other side of the railway line are closed.  Maybe next week ...

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