Although E.Roberta was sitting hungrily on the table this morning I ignored her and did the washing, paid the bills, changed the batteries in the smoke alarms, made a generic stew and placated the cats who were both a bit fragile because last night Poppy bit Parsifal who retaliated and they both got misted from the water bottle. Today they both needed reassurance and cuddles and Parsifal wittered on about it for ages while I was trying to eat my breakfast.
I finally began spinning but I am finding that spinning the plaits is hard on my thumbs despite me realising very early on that it was essential to pre-draft the tops. The pre-drafting itself hurts my thumbs so I am doing it in short bursts. I started by trying to keep the colours more or less discreet because the pink next to the chartreuse wasn't pretty - but I have given up trying to do that and am spinning it just as it comes so goodness knows what it will look like when it is plied. No matter, it is all a learning curve and I can always make a beanie out of it; I seem to be the only one in the family who hasn't got a beanie as yet.
I think that the school spinning demo is next Monday but haven't heard definitely from Herself. I have made a list of what I need to take so that shouldn't be a problem but 1.25pm seems an odd time to start and I don't know where the school is so I am going to have to go to the Self's place first. Knowing what the traffic is like I will aim to get there at about 1.00pm to allow for holdups. It should be an interesting afternoon.
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