Monday, April 7, 2014

In a spin - Mk2

Yesterday Herself and I did out second school spinning demonstration.  This time I knew that we had limited time so I left Roberta at home and only took Emma.  As everything was working well and she was doing her 30+ revs I didn’t feed her with oil and she went back to her habit of trying to spin the wrong way.  But we managed.

I took along the rolags which we didn’t use last time and let the kids have them and I took along a handful of natural uncombed fleece which they spread around and the lady in charge of the school library took the ball of plied wool to cut up and distribute.

The thing which made my day was one of the mothers coming up to us afterwards to tell us that her little boy had said that it had been the best day of his life seeing how wool was turned into plied yarn.  Maybe he will become a spinner when he is older.

I have been waiting on some more pigtails to finish filling the bobbins which I started with the first eight … and waiting … and waiting… and waiting; and finally the tracking is working and my parcel was received by the overseas carrier on 29th March and finally, yesterday (7th April) it was dispatched so I should get it in a week or so, along with some ‘Twilight’ colourway with more to come, giving me enough for a vest.

I am also waiting on four more bobbins from Victoria which were posted off on 31st March and which haven’t arrived.  I am not sure what the postal service is doing  -  perhaps rapidly trying to print off some 70c stamps which have been introduced with no forward notice.

The babies are well and Parsifal is turning into a lapcat.  I have worked out how to set him smurgling when he starts to act needy and he has developed a passion for emu sticks which the pet food shop tells me are dog food.  But he loves them and sits by the cupboard where they are kept every morning to get his fix which is a quarter of an emu stick.

The chronometer kitten still wakes me up at 7.15 on the dot and this morning I obviously didn’t respond properly (stroke her and give her a cuddle) so she shouted at me to wake up. She has always been a lapcat and we now have a bit of a conflict when she wants to come up onto my lap and Parsifal got there first.

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