Thursday, June 12, 2014

Climb Every Mountain.

I had an email a couple of days ago from The Phantom Golfer who features in several pages of my web pages section on my trip to Iran   -  see My Trip to Iran.  The Selfs were there as was The Phantom golfer who had a habit of handing out multitudes of golf balls to the Iranian children and running up all the steepest hills and climbing the highest towers.

Here is an extract from the email which demonstrates that we are never too old:

At present we spend a few hours each weekend climbing up and down hills in the Dandenongs preparing for another crack at the Kokoda track late next month. When we went three years ago I was told that I was the second oldest to do it so that was a bit of a challenge and I went back the next year and did it both ways--with about six weeks in between. Now we thought It would be a good idea to make it a bit harder for the next person to beat the age barrier and we will be leaving shortly after my 85th.

It puts my yoga practise to shame and he is a decade older than I am.  I am really impressed and wish him good weather and an enjoyable trek.

My COTA client who has had a multitude of lessons and still can't find her way around a computer keyboard has, I gather, booked for classes into infinity as well as attending Adult Education group classes.  I despair of ever teaching her as she doesn't touch her computer between lessons and, of course, has forgotten what I showed her the week before.  Today we opened a Gmail account for her because she wasn't sure of her user name and couldn't remember her password. 

However, we will labour on and maybe she will eventually wrest her computer away from her husband and start to use it.  She wants t get a job but needs computer skills.  I am not sure whether she is incapable of learning, doesn't want to go out to work (I can't say that I blame her for that) or she is being bloody-minded because her husband, who has a chronic illness, has told her that she needs to get a job.  I've been there and done that but fortunately I have a profession and rather fell on my feet with the job I landed.

I am spinning the ninth braid of the Rosewood fibre and am pushing ahead because I have a lot of other fibre which I am anxious to get onto.  The Beastly black is progressing faster since I finished the fronts/collar strip of ribbing and although I am still ribbing up the back (I have to do 12" before I change to stocking stitch) when that is done I thing that the hard stuff will be done and the rest will be faster and easier.  Now that the weather has finally turned cold I am anxious to finish the jacket  so that I can wear it.

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