Saturday, January 3, 2015

A very froggy week

When knitting the second sleeve of my Rosewood Sloppy Joe I realised, when I got to the raglan shaping, that I reached exactly the designated 43cm whereas the first sleeve was 4cm longer so I have unravelled it and will knit it again.  Obviously I did my increases more spaced apart the first time around.  Since we are finally getting some hot weather I am in no hurry to finish it although I have quite a lot of spun yarn ready to knit up  - and (sigh) a huge amount of fibre waiting to be spun.  I keep trying to tell myself to keep away from any online site which sells fibre just in case I am tempted to buy more, but ...

... I am wondering if I should ask Carolyn to do me a special order of gradient-dyed plaits as they look as though they would be fun and praiseworthy.  In the meanwhile, once I have finished spinning the Jewel braids which D2 gave me I will start on the Rhinebeck plied with Metro brown.  And start knitting the Twilight skeins  -  there is enough there for another sweater or jacket.

Today I skeined off the second skein of the Jewel; three more to go and it is taking me ages as it spins fairly fine.  The skein is still drying but before washing I had about 606 yards.  I keep thinking that I have my arithmetic wrong but there are 303 rounds, each 72" long.  The first skein has yielded 123 yards which is a big difference although I lost a bit when it tangled during plying.  When Skein 2 is dry I will be better able to judge how much finer I have spun the second skein but it is fulling up nicely so maybe I counted wrong.  I shall repeat the count and see if I come up with a more compatible number.

D1 and I decided to try using our iPads for Facetime instead of me phoning her every Sunday morning so I started trying to work it all out because it connected itself with my yahoo contacts list and loaded them all in and while I was in Settings, trying to refine my contacts to just D1 I accidentally connected to her.  We rapidly decided to return to using the phone but she told me afterwards that my very short sojourn into Facetime used up 6 megabytes of bandwidth.  Ouch!!

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