Thursday, November 26, 2015

By Jove, She did it !

After two evenings sweating over adding "9 oz bread flour" to a recipe on my web page (which an observant reader noticed and pointed out to me that I had missed in my recipe for pizza) I have finally remembered how to edit my web pages and managed to insert the missing ingredient.  It is at least five years since I made any additions or alterations to the web page and it was an interesting re-learning process.  Now I need to gather strength to edit the 'most visited web pages' links on my home page to include (shudder) facebook and (smile) ravelry and remove some which I never visit any more.

I only had one client at COTA today  -  a special request from a client I had seen before because he thought that I might be able to help him with some rather basic but different aspects of Windows 8.1, such as resizing and moving tiles and how to search out and download apps from the Store and how to pin apps to the start menu and remove them again.  I also introduced him to restore points  -  something I have needed to use myself after Visability's guest internet connection prevented me from connecting my Pro 3 to my own home connection.  And, of course, 'find' and the use of the Microsoft key on the keyboard.  All really basic stuff but different to Windows 7 and earlier.  Anyway, we both enjoyed ourselves enormously and I was rewarded with a hug afterwards so he obviously felt happy about what we had achieved.

That was our last lesson for this year.  Next Thursday we have a break and the Thursday after is the COTA Christmas party which is the only time I get to see the volunteers who work the other days of the week and which is usually great fun.

I have spun my first bobbin of the Rincewind colorway and am halfway through the first bobbin of Melange which is a sort of burnt orange. I notice, from all the dress shops down below my apartment, that orange is the new black this season so I need to spin and knit rapidly to stay with the fashion for the summer.  Sadly orange is definitely NOT my colour  but nevertheless I bought the fibre so I will probably wear it.

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