Saturday, April 30, 2016

So many things to stress me.

I have had a stressful week with a migraine thrown in just to help matters along.  To begin with, the quote I received for some house cleaning was very peculiar and told me nothing at all.  What it did was to list one hour of cleaning for one operative together with the cost of cleaning the windows and balcony and the cost of cleaning the carpets, added the 10% GST and totalled them all to just under $300 dollars.

When I emailed back objecting to what was, in essence an invoice I was told that the two operatives working together for two hours was actually two operatives each working for one hour.  All very odd and I can imagine that if the quote didn't put people off then halving the amount of time worked would just about finish them for good but maybe they had signed a contract or were too  polite to say anything.

And, of course, Microsoft still hasn't fixed the mail app and there are complaints coming from all over the world while MS claims that everything is running smoothly.  I spent an hour with two of their help and fix men last night and the conclusion was that they were unable to fix whatever the problem was.  I went online because I had received an error message saying that was preventing my mail app from upgrading itself.  What I found was that someone had traced to source and that it emanated from Microsoft's server in Virginia, USA. Is it a case of the right hand not knowing what the left hand is doing or is it a big cover up while they get their server up and running again or was the person who discovered the source of blu406 telling fairy tales.

Anyway, a couple of links on my Outlook-Mail site have brightened up although they don't actually do anything  -  so I am living in hope that all will eventually be fixed.  In the meanwhile I am using Office's mail, Outlook  -  but hate it and its format.

I removed the picture which Parsifal was forever trying to swing and he was very upset about it, keening and reaching up to where it used to be.  So I have hung a small oil painting (which has no glass to shatter) in its place.  It does not hang as low and he can't reach it so he spent last evening stretched up the wall and wailing.  Poor baby but I can't let him knock a picture frame with glass off the wall; I was lucky that the glass over Jerusalem didn't break but I can't blame Parsifal for its fall.

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