The rest of Australia is experiencing extreme heatwave conditions with power outages due to overload from air conditioners but here in the West we have had two days of pouring rain and yesterday was the coldest February day on record with the maximum reaching only as far as 14 degrees centigrade. I even had the opportunity to put on one of my two unworn sweaters but not the one I have named Chunderup; I am keeping that one for a special occasion.
The day before yesterday I saw a dermatologist about the squamous cell carcinoma on my leg and it is being removed next Friday afternoon. I have been told to expect a long stitch line and that I will need to keep fairly quiet for a week or two - so no yoga for the foreseeable future until I have healed up. I ascertained that this procedure would be done under local anaesthetic - I don't want the sort of problem I had when a lesion was removed from my eyelid and the surgeon was adamant that I needed a general anaesthetic and have a family member take me home afterwards and stay overnight. This didn't happen, of course - D2 refused to leave work when they phoned her so I ended up having a quick prick into my eyelid and a fast and painless removal after which I took a taxi home which is what I had wanted all along.
COTA has started again and yesterday both Himself and I each had two clients but Himself was unable to get the computer he uses to load so it sat trying to repair itself for two hours while Himself and his clients used the boss's computer. She was providentially absent for the day. Afterwards we went to a café called Sassie's Cookies which is just down the road from COTA's rooms and were unexpectedly joined by D3 and SIL which was lovely. Somehow they had neglected to book in any clients at the Clinic and since D3 had to write a submission to the APA they had a mostly free day and D3 got to write her submission - and I got to see her.
D2 is in Bali for four weeks being pampered and I still have two of her cars. The man who recommended the degreaser which we used to clean up the mess left by the two incontinent cars I was babysitting has asked if he can come and have a look at the two which I have at the moment. It is a shame that I no longer have the red one to show off but the customised VW is very pretty and I still have the silver one.
I only have about 20 cm of black possum cowl to finish knitting and am almost dreaming in blocks of 17 as the pattern is repeated seven times per row and there are four pattern rows. At the knitting group on Tuesday we had someone come along to show people how to knit knockers (soft cotton prostheses for people who have had mastectomies). I took along my own knitting since I knew that in a crowd (and there were over 20 people there) I would not be able to follow a pattern and most of the knitters were having problems - except the woman sitting next to me who wasn't even looking at her work and effortlessly knitted up the increases and decreases. Hopefully she will continue to attend in the future - I liked her a lot. it will be interesting to see how many come back next Tuesday.
Edited to say that today was the second wettest day that Western Australia has ever recorded and it isn't over yet.
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