Saturday, May 6, 2017

Getting back to Normal

I no longer have to keep my leg up and I am back on a normal diet  -  as of yesterday  -  and still feel a bit guilty when I chew on anything but the mouth has all healed up and there is no more need for custard-like food.

One trouble I am having is that the suggestion about eating nothing thicker than custard set me exploring the custard shelves in Coles and I discovered a delicious chocolate custard which I persuaded myself was a legitimate food to tide me over.  I am now going through the throes of sugar withdrawal which is never easy and all chocolate is out for a while which is really just a matter of avoiding the aisle where the chocolate is shelved.

So now I have no excuse not to clean and tidy my apartment which, thanks to my automatic vacuum cleaner, is mostly just setting it to run,  cleaning and emptying it out afterwards, wash the filter and put it all together again.  It does both tiles and carpet so I just leave it to its own devices and it has finally discovered how to find its way to and put itself back into the charger.

The "meet and greet your neighbours" affair has been cancelled.  As I understand it, only the people from CRII replied to the invitation and someone found that it was going to be all too difficult to organise.  All it needed was a rubbish bin and a couple of people to collect any stray paper plates afterwards as we were asked to bring the tipple of our choice and a plate of nibbles to share.  What can be so hard about that?

Today I had a little bit of Mothers' Day early because D1 will be off to Europe next Saturday and will miss the main event so I opened her present when I phoned her this morning.  I know that I am getting a pair of handspun and hand knitted socks from D3 because I ordered the fibre in with the Chunderup fibre so it is all matching but different as they were both spun differently.  I will try to post a photo of the Chunderup Sweater and matching scarf if google will let me.  It used to be rather bloody-minded about that but I have a feeling that things have since I last tried.

I am still entranced by what is going on in America and just hope that the checks and balances regarding Trump-Care will hold firm or a lot of people are going to die.  If rape is a pre-existing condition not worthy of benefits then anything which takes people to the doctor could be considered a pre-existing condition and then most of the population will  have not health cover and the doctors and nurses will have to get jobs in the coal mines which seems to be the only growth industry  -  or building a pipeline through heritage forest.

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