I haven't posted for a couple of weeks because during that time I have had two episodes of vertigo, each of which laid me up for two days after which I spent three days recovering my balance enough to function in polite society - and during that time quite a lot has happened.
Firstly D1 flew into Perth for a couple of days; not to celebrate the birthdays of myself and D3 but to celebrate the 85th birthday of the father of one of her friends. I had a good excuse not to cook for her (back of hand to brow "Mother, you KNOW I don't like mushrooms") and I took her over the road to Nolita which is the poshest and most expensive of our local restaurants but it has the nicest food.
On last Wednesday I went to Apple to get a cover for my latest iPad only to find that there were only two left for my model and the one which I opted for came from Queensland. But delivery was free and I am very happy with it. There is no longer any danger of the cats dancing on the Gorilla Glass. I also bought a stand for my stylus and duly colour in my picture (app Pigment) of the day when the mood moves me. I haven't got much further than games on the new one but I have THE BOOK (The Missing Manual) and am slowly working my way through. So far I have discovered that the iPad refuses to read my fingerprint although it eagerly recorded it. And I have yet to hold a meaningful conversation with Siri.
I was contacted by a friend of one of my knitting group who wanted to learn to spin. She had the wheel, niddy-noddy and Lazy Kate as well as THREE merino fleeces but no idea what to do with them. She had washed (not very well) and combed (not very well) some of the fleece but it has tiny crimps and was not very long - so is difficult for a beginner. The wheel is lovely so she just needs to get the hang of spinning; like all of us when we start she began by holding the fibre too tightly and can't feed it out but time will fix that. I did suggest getting a Corriedale fleece and use the merino to stuff cushions but if she learns to spin that she will be able to spin anything.
Last night I downloaded the latest version of Family Tree Maker. Because I already used FTM 14.1 I was eligible for a free upgrade to FTM 17 if I enrolled in the Beta program which I obviously did although I really don't remember doing it. Anyway, FTM 17 was rolled out two days ago but without the facility to sync which will come later. For some reason I was one of the first to get it and although the instructions looked very complicated it turned out to be well explained and easy - if I did it correctly and it will work (fingers crossed).
To be truthful, I have really gone as far as I want to with my tree but there is always room for expansion - I could always add the 800 or so descendants of John Pidwell who mostly reside in America but that is really getting a bit remote - the brother of my great great great grandmother, a humble shoemaker who went to Canada and made good. And explore my German roots via the Samler family who were sugar bakers and probably very respectable but judging my their descendants their morals seriously deteriorated. My mother's family were mostly not nice people.
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