Monday, January 15, 2018

. . . and then Came Joyce

Joyce was a cyclone a few days ago.  Starting up in the North of Western Australia she has slowly lost strength as she wended her way down to the coast and this morning she arrived in Perth as a rain-bearing depression of mammoth proportions.  So far we have received 80mm of rain and it doesn’t look as though it is going to stop any time soon.  It is not cold and the wind is only light but there has been no pause in the downpour all day.  When the rain finally stops and the sun comes out again it is going to be unbearably humid.  Thank goodness for air conditioning.

I still have The Blue Screen of Death on my main computer.  There was a short paragraph in the website of the Australian Broadcasting  Corporation on Friday morning suggesting that there is an epidemic of the BSOD around the world and Microsoft has decided that some of their automatic updates are incompatible with some of the Intel Chips, causing the problem, and have suspended updating until they can find a solution.

There has not been any follow-up that I can find but googling BSOD Intel Chip brings up a great deal of information but sadly nothing which is any use to me.

Techie has not been back to take away my computer and replace the hard drive so perhaps he is  waiting for a solution; I can see problems if the new hard drive has the same problem and goes blue as well.  I would like to get the problem fixed and re-download FTM as I feel rather as though I have lost a limb  -  which is silly because there are great stretches of time when I hardly look at it at all and then get spasms of researching and adding.

On Sunday D2 and I cleaned up the oil left by her incontinent cars but it is going to need some more work.  Unfortunately the builders left the concrete in the residents’ parking area quite friable and the oil has soaked right in in some places. A bit of wind might help to send the rain over the area and get rid of some of the dust and dirt.  When it all boils down it is not really my problem  -  I just provide the parking spaces and buy the degreaser.

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