For several years, at my annual dental checkup, my dentist has been shaking his head over one of my wisdom teeth and telling me that it had to come out sometime soon. That sometime finally arrived three days ago with unremitting pain. Until now the pain has been intermittent and quite bearable but this was a bit much so I phoned for an appointment to have the tooth removed.
Tuesday is always a day off for my dentist but I was able to get an appointment for yesterday afternoon. As he numbed the area - and numbed - and numbed, he asked me about allergies and medication. It is only when I have a dental procedure that I remember that I have a heart condition which I have happily lived with for most of my life so he was going to be careful that he didn't do anything to create a problem.
Problem was that it took a great deal of anaesthetic and he eventually turned to something stronger with a word to the dental assistant to prepare a syringe with adrenaline. Ooops - that is the fight, fright and fight hormone which I accidentally injected myself with a few years ago but luckily it wasn't needed as the effect isn't exactly pleasant.
Anyway, eventually the tooth went numb and after a crunching wriggle and a tug it shot out so fast that my dentist almost landed on the floor. There has been almost no blood and almost no pain but I took the day off from COTA since I was supposed to be taking it easy for a few days; but I'll be back next week if there are any clients. I think that word is getting out that the computers are not brilliant and with Windows 10 updating itself on an almost daily basis it is getting harder to keep up. Techie called in to see how mine is going after its heart transplant and said that he has been run off his feet recently.
And sometimes it is not wisdom but luck which gets me through. I always do cryptic crosswords in bed at night before I go to sleep and last night I was stumped with this clue:-
"Thanks love! First operatic song, Winged sandals (7)"
I managed the Thanks and the Operatic Song but was unable to make a word until today when I was reading MYTHOS by Stephen Fry and was reading about the God Hermes when I came across this:
"To make Hermes even faster, Hephaestus fashioned what would become his signature footwear, the talaria - a pair of winged sandals . . ." Bingo!
And your Sudoku for today:
Yesterday it worked.
Today it is not working.
Windows is like that.
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