Friday, June 29, 2018


For those of you who have been following the saga of the knitting needles, the new ones have arrived along with the size 3.25 needles which is a difficult size to find so I am very happy about that  but still no sign of the original needles which have somehow disappeared along with the cable which joined them together.  I had expected that the very act of ordering new replacement ones would have magicked the lost ones out of their hiding place but sadly … no.

Still on the subject of knitting  -  I have finished the cowl neckline of the pink possum sweater and it worked out even better than I had hoped.  I am now knitting the second sleeve and then it is just the sewing up and it should be ready before the cold weather ends.  The weather has not been nice and yesterday the rain bucketed down,  climaxing in a cloudburst as I got off the train at Victoria Park station on my way to my farewell coffee and cake at COTA.  I only had a short way to walk but ended up dripping wet.  Luckily I had grabbed a showerproof jacket and umbrella on my way out the door so I stayed dry underneath.

My farewell present was a lovely new computer keyboard with yellow keys and HUGE black letters on the keys and an invitation to go to the next Christmas bash.  I’m looking forward to it.

D3 is on holidays this week and had an appointment to be tested for some new spectacles and took me along to help choose new frames.  The first one which she tried on and eventually chose is exactly the same as my new frames so I couldn’t fault them and they suit her very well.

This week has been one of those times when I have something on both morning and afternoon and tomorrow will be the same so the apartment looks very neglected, the cats are quite certain that they have been neglected and I am badly in need of a day to get things sorted; maybe next week.  Tomorrow I am meeting up with a  couple of distant cousins for coffee and cake which I am looking forward to and hopefully I will be looking good since I have an appointment to have my hair trimmed in the late morning.  As long as it doesn’t rain on me again.
This Limerick was written by the late Monsignor Ronald Knox in answer to the hypothesis that things only exist when they have an observer
There once was a man who said: "God
Must think it exceedingly odd
If he finds that this tree
Continues to be
When there's no one about in the Quad."

Must think it exceedingly odd
If he finds that this tree
Continues to be
When ther's no one about in the Quad."

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