As predicted a couple of weeks ago - I have found my missing knitting needles so now I have a spare pair just in case - and the set of 3.25mm needles which I didn't have before. Truly Sod's Law in action; not just the act of buying replacements but actually finishing the knitting of the sweater.
I have finished knitting the Pink Possum sweater but not yet sewn it up - the part which every knitter hates. I'll do that during the week and if the weather is cold enough next Tuesday I will wear it to the knitting group.
Today is my birthday and everyone gave me socks of the warm and woolly variety so I have been obliged to wash the floor - not before time. That is a horrible job which has become much easier with the variety of vacuum cleaners which I have managed to accumulate since moving into the apartment - almost seven years ago. The tiles at first almost broke me but now I can sit and listen to Rachel Maddow and knit while my Samsung automatic vacuum cleaner does most of the hard yards for me so I that only have to do the mopping bit.
D3, who had her birthday yesterday, SIL and GB2 all came over and took me out for coffee and cake so I was energised for the floor washing bit and I took my neighbour's words to heart - "I just sort of slosh around with the mop".
This limerick is from Punch (1918)
There was a young man of Moose Jaw
Who wanted to meet Bernard Shaw;
When they questioned him, 'Why?'
He made no reply,
But sharpened an axe and a saw.
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