I walked around the lake again this morning and this time I think that my pedometer gave an accurate reading. It measured 4.23km which would give me a walking speed of about 5 km/hour which I suspect is just about right. I went out early because the sky looked like imminent rain. It still looks like rain but it hasn't happened yet.
The last time I went over to the park I looked for the pink orchid but was unable to find it. Today, with more specific instructions I did find it. A biggish clump with only one rather weary-looking flower so it may be getting a bit late in the season. Hopefully I will be able to find it again next year when it is flowering more enthusiastically.
Looking around for something to entertain me I wondered if the local library might like a genealogy helper but found that there is already two hours per month of tuition which has to be booked. I will speak to the Head Librarian when I am over the mammogram and probable biopsy and whatever follows from there. I went to a free on-line program and put in the details of my parents and grandparents and was told that the program could now add over 70 more names. That is no fun!! I enjoy the hunt and find of genealogy research and to have some online program lift all those names from my proper family tree was cheating.
With a view to acclimatising the cats to the Kitty Carriage and all its works I took Parsifal for a quick trot around Claremont a few nights ago. He seemed to enjoy it once he realised that we were heading in the opposite direction to the Vet. Poppy hid under the bed.
The Limerick:-
There is an author's comment attached to this one;
"Somewhat off-colour - and the only such limerick that Langdon Reed ever allowed to appear in any of his many books. It's to be feared that Reed did not get the pun in the last line."
There was a young fellow named Hyde
Who fell down a privy and died.
His unfortunate brother
Then fell down another,
And now they're interred side by side.
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