I have been immersing myself in Star Trek for the last few days having finally found a medium which works for me. Firstly I tried running it through my TV but had problems hearing the dialogue with no subtitles to help so I switched to my computer using an app which MS10 thought that I should use; it wasn't very good.
So I enlisted the help of google, asking what was the best way of watching DVDs on MS10 and there was one program which appeared far and away the best so I downloaded it and Google was quite right, it works well.
I have discovered that there are four episodes per DVD and there are 21 discs so at the rate of one per day it will take me about three months to watch every episode - and then there are the films. The whole crew has not yet assembled- Dr McCoy has not yet appeared and Scotty has, so far, made only a brief appearance but there are 80 episodes yet to be watched so I am quite happy to wait.
I have finally got around to making an appointment to see a podiatrist because I need some new orthotics. I have a referral dated 29-6-2015 from a surgical podiatrist who was no help to me at all but pinned to it is a radiologists report on my sore toe. I am not holding my breath that this one will be able to cure the toe - I suspect that it is going to take an orthopaedic surgeon to fix it.
D3 came over here this morning and we went out to lunch and then to the yoga shop for her to buy a couple of blocks. I acquired a new mat since the one which I have been using for the last few years is starting to crack in places. The new one is purple to co-ordinate with my bolster, blocks and strap. D3 has had a seriously bad back for years and she is finding a careful yoga program is helping enormously. The stretch which she showed me and which she called Downward Facing Dog is actually a sort of flattened forward Childs Pose and is the stretch which is being touted on Facebook under the heading "doctors are amazed . . ." and maybe they are since it obviously works.
The Limerick:-
Despite her impressive physique
Fatima was really quite meek;
If a mouse showed its head
She would jump into bed
With a terrible blood-curdling sheik.
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