My hospital benefits fund has decided, in its wisdom, to up its charges and we now have to claim our benefits by photographing our ancillary receipts, transferring them to computer, I-Pad or mobile phone, go to their on-line site and drag the photos onto their online claim form. This is not a good idea for people not familiar with computers, digital cameras etc and I suspect that some people will simply not claim their benefits, thereby increasing the profits of the fund.
I could not sleep last night so I was up at 3.00am scanning five receipts and sending them off to the fund. I hope that the powers that be can read them. My scanner was playing up and I had to go into Control Panel and open up the printer from there and click on 'scan' to get it to work. Alternatively I could have used my I-Pad or digital camera but it was dark, not optimum for photos of fine print.
I have reached the end of Season One of Star Trek so I am about one third of the way through my videos. The plots are rather stretching credulity but it must be hard to think up over 90 different plots to keep the viewers happy. Admittedly there was only one per week in the olden days and I am taking in one every evening.
And I am almost through my bucket list, finally. I still have to have three of my LED lights replaced and have delayed doing so while waiting for the other shoe to drop as the light over my computer flickered a bit back a few months ago. It will, of course, die as soon as I get the rest replaced. And speaking of electricity - I still seem to be getting mine for free although I daily expect a power bill as it has been a couple of months since my meter stopped registering.
And I need to get a picture hanger in to replace the fishing line holding up those of my pictures which have not yet fallen (only two so far) before Parsifal swings them into oblivion. I have made sure that they are all out of his reach except the large portraits of my last two cats, oil paintings with no glass so not critical if they fall. The picture hanger who advertises most on the internet calls himself The Hangman which is a bit off-putting.
And the Limerick:-
There once was a girl of Siam
Who said to her love, young Kiam,
"If you take me, of course,
You must do it by force,
But God knows you are stronger than I am."
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