. . .at least until next year when the
cats' vaccinations are again due.
Things went better this time
around. I arranged to take them on different days so that they could not
freak each other. Poppy went the day before yesterday and was sedated and
subdued but not downright hostile. Parsifal went this morning. The
sedative had no obvious effect on him but he behaved himself and allowed Dr. L
to examine him. Then I put him down on the floor to allow him to climb
back into the kitty carriage and Dr. L knelt down and gave him some treats
after which he smooched her; so she at least has seen his best side.
I am not going to the meeting tonight
and have nominated a proxy and put in my voting sheet. I could still go
but I am not sure if I can walk that far yet although my hip is feeling a great
deal better so maybe it will recover on its own. Tomorrow I am having my
hair trimmed and then coffee with a friend so the week is getting better all
the time.
I am back to doing yoga and feeling
much better for it and have started knitting the cowl neck to the the
purple possum sweater. Then it is just the sleeves and the sewing up and
I will get on to knitting wrist warmers for the unfortunate people who have to
sleep on the streets. D2 is very involved with an organisation called
Outreach which tries to improve the lives of the homeless people. Mostly
I have been knitting beanies but she mentioned that those who sleep out need
something to keep their hands warm.
Because of all the limericks which I
post here on my blog my mind tends to mentally recite in limerick form and a
couple of days ago the last lines of a limerick from my teen years started
buzzing around my brain. I looked it up in google, using those lines which I could remember and I will post it
today but there needs to be an explanation. It was a huge scandal in
England in the 1960s when I was at university and the newspapers were full of
It involved two teenaged call girls, an osteopath, a Russian diplomat and a
Cabinet Minister and it eventually brought down the British government.
For information, if anyone is interested, google "The Profumo
The Limerick:-
"Oh, what have you done?" said Christine
disrupted the Party machine;
lie in the nude
be terribly rude
to lie in the House is obscene."
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