I have been notified that the book of Limericks which I ordered and which had to be specially printed is on its way and hopefully they are about drop bears and kangaroos rather than flatulent nuns and other bodily functions.
I have heard no more about the hole in my wall; the wheels of the Strata Management are grinding very slowly as they have not even bothered to get back to me but hopefully the problem will be fixed before next winter. I suspect that when the abseilers come to clean the windows their rig will be borrowed to send down a platform with workmen able to replace either the glass or the whole panel.
My computer glasses, which I collected a couple of days ago have enabled me to read my computer without having to adjust the chair height and move my monitor to enable me to focus. However, I have recognised the benefit of using a walking stick to help me to balance when I have to negotiate around people, aisles and displays of vegetables so I have ordered a couple more to enable colour co-ordinating. That said, it has occurred to me that I am actually having a mild bout of vertigo which will pass without escalating if I am lucky.
The Royal Agricultural Show opened today and will last for a week. The showgrounds are a short walk from the Quarter so we are expecting bigger than usual crowds here, some of the shops are advertising 'specials' and the Claremont Council will probably have concerts in the park. All to be avoided where possible. The trains are better than they used to be as Transperth now runs special trains to and from the showgrounds so that the regular trains are not full of kids overstimulated by sugar and tired from the sideshows and rides. Needless to say, the schools co-ordinate by scheduling their holidays to free the kids up to go and waste their pocket money on showbags.
The Limerick (from "Dirty Limericks" so hopefully I can find something reasonably clean):-
A young woman got married in Chester.
Her mother she kissed and she blessed her.
She said, "You're in luck,
He's a stunning good f**k -
I've had him myself down in Leicester."
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