Wednesday, October 16, 2019

My cats are now eight years old.

Last Saturday ((12th October) was the cats' eighth birthday.  We didn't celebrate but simply noted the day -  an easy one to remember because it was my parents' wedding anniversary.

I am still struggling to focus my eyes.  It has been a long haul and I am reluctant to have my other cataract removed as it would mean another round of trying to get spectacle prescriptions sorted.  My everyday glasses work reasonable well although I sometimes see double when I am trying to focus to read.

This difficulty has been compounded by the death of my e-Reader last weekend.  It suddenly refused to connect to the internet and when I went on-line I found that my particular model is no longer supported.  I can read the books which are already on the e-Reader but am unable to download any new ones so I have ordered the newest Kobo model which just happens to not be in stock.  So I am going to have a sleep cover with nothing to put to sleep.  Since I have ordered the latest version of the Kobo reader I am hopeful that mine will be available before too long.

The weather is all over the place at the moment; more like autumn than spring.  Last Friday was a freezing cold day with gale-force winds and a great deal of rain and tomorrow is going to be another cold one.  The cats have been hibernating, curled up together for most of the time although the scattering of cat toys which greets me in the morning leads me to believe that they have a secret life when I am asleep.

The Limerick (and from the new book):-

A wonderful bird is the pelican.
His beak can hold more than his belly can.
He can hold in his beak
Enough food for a week.
But I'm darned if I know how the hell he can.

This is a very old one.  I first heard it from my mother.

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