Last Thursday I woke up with a very sore eye which was not working all that well and since it was the eye with the intraocular lens I was a bit concerned so I phoned my optometrist. He felt that I should have the eye properly checked out so he tried phoning the Eye Institute. They were not answering their phone. He tried a couple of ophthalmologists and got recorded messages telling people that if they had a problem with their eyes they should to go SCGH emergency. I prefer RPH where D2 is an emergency physician so I phoned her. She said that SCGH had a waiting list of five and RPH had a waiting list of 17 so I took myself off to SCGH.
The registrar there said that she had never seen so many people with eye problems and, according to D2, the registrar at RPH was exhausted by the end of her shift. Did all the ophthalmologists go off on Christmas breaks at the same time? It would seem so.
I am starting back to regular yoga and it is so hard; I have really stiffened up over my involuntary break so it is going to be a struggle to get back to flexibility. However, I shall persevere.
I spent yesterday morning at the dentist - a two-hour appointment. The stump holding my bling in place had decayed and my dentist wanted to remove the bling, drill out the decay, fill the stump and replace the bling. Unfortunately the decay was more extensive than he had realised so he is not holding out great hopes that the new bling will last an great length of time and then the roots will have to be cut out. Been there, done that and it is no great hassle and it is a back tooth which is why I elected to have a gold crown in the first place.
I have started knitting wrist warmers and beanies for Out-reach to get ahead of winter as D3 has given me a whole big bag of top quality woollen yarn. I have donated the white balls to my knitting group as white is not suitable for homeless people but I have a lot of green, some grey and a small amount of black. I am not sure how much will be needed for a pair of wrist warmers but when I have finished the first pair I will weight them and do some sums.
I am sorry that this post is such a tale of woe but it serves as a diary for me.
And now the Limerick:-
Said an envious erudite ermine,
"There's one thing I cannot determine:
When a girl wears my coat
She's a person of note.
When I wear it I'm only called vermin."
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