I finally had the National Broadband Network (NBN) connected last Tuesday after a week of working with a dying Hotspot which was revived by a man from the Telstra Shop and using my Surface Pro and i-Pad I was able to access the internet but had no fixed line telephone so I had to replace my banana phone with a Samsung fancy one with all manner of bells and whistles which I have no idea how to use. Luckily I had saved my contacts to card so they are all on my new phone
The first disaster was when I lost my Kobo account, opened another one which I could not access either after which Kobo seems to have died altogether. Now I have been denied access to my main bank account. My credit cards still work and I can fall back on writing cheques again but I feel all at sea as things fall down around me.
I spent over an hour talking to the bank in Sydney this morning and they will try to investigate why my account no longer recognises me and I have spoken to my financial advisor who has, hopefully, still got access and can transfer money to my cheque and credit accounts. Now I just have to sit back and wait. Meanwhile Techie will probably come by and check for nasties on the hard drive. It is his invoice for connecting me to the NBN which I stumbled over; the bank refused to allow the money transfer and refused to accept that I knew the answers to my secret questions. I know which school I went to, dammit!
We are having an amazing autumn and winter so far with temperatures in the 20s but with very cold nights and we have had a couple of quite severe storms It looks as though the coming week will be wet.
I have had the results of my bone marrow biopsy and they were as expected so no surprises there and I am to have another blood test and appointment with the hematologist in three months after which I will be monitored every six months unless things deteriorate which hopefully they will not. D2 came with me to ensure that I could question her in detail afterwards if I have any queries.
The Limerick:-
"I must leave here," said Lady de Vere,
"For these damp airs don't suit me, I fear,"
Said her friend, "Goodness me!
If they do not agree
With your system, why eat pears, my dear?"
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