"Old brown mule he must be sick
I jambed him in the rump with a pin on a stick
He humped his back but he wouldn't kick
Now there's something cock-eyed somewhere"
(Recorded by Walter Brennan)
We are still in lock-down throughout the State and any returning travelers need to spent two weeks in quarantine but the rest of us are able to go out mask-less. There is an app on my smart phone which I can use to log in to any venue where it is accepted and which enables contact tracing. I notice that almost no-one uses it but I do so to ensure that it still works after GB1 tweaked it and got it up and running again after it suddenly refused to work.
I seem to have spent an inordinate amount of time in waiting rooms because doctors here seem to have got the bit between their teeth and cleared their waiting lists before Christmas. I have had a cataract removed from my left eye and laser treatment to my right eye and, after five years of trying I have finally had my sore toe shortened and fused and it no longer hurts to walk but that entailed a visit to an anaesthetist a morning in surgery and several followup visits.
In the future I have a visit to the podiatrist, dentist and haemotologist and, hopefully, that will be the end of it for a while, but I will need to see my optometrist about new spectacles as I have one eye with close vision and one with long distance vision but nothing in between. However, for the first time for 70 years I do not need to wear spectacles
Meanwhile our knitting group has continued every Tuesday afternoon and our Lotto Lunches have resumed.
Being in lock-down I have been spending far too much time watching the goings on in the USA, as have most of my family and friends. The thing which has struck me almost most forceably other than the goings-on there is the lack of knowledge of spelling and punctuation to the degree that it is sometimes impossible to understand what the person posting on Facebook is trying to say. I am not sure if it is poor education, confusion about what is actually happening or the difficulty of typing small buttons with two thumbs.
The Limerick:-
Male squirrels, with tails in the air,
Keep collecting and never despair,
For they all know, one day
A female will say,
"A nice set of nuts you have there!"
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