Saturday, December 11, 2021

Four Months Without a Post

 Rather than a beep

Or a rude error message:

These words: "File Not Found".

We are back to computer haiku, an echo of a long distant past in lieu of the Life Gets Tejus verses.  Life is still tejus as Western Australia is still in almost total lockdown due to the Corona Virus.  We have had almost no cases here and those were mostly returning travelers who had to spend time in quarantine.  However, the lockdown is due to end in a month or so but with rules and masks and unvaccinated people will not be able to work.

I have finally mastered my banking under the new rules imposed by my new modem and limits on the amount I can pay from the account without having to use the Smartphone which I had to buy to get the authenticator in order to be able to do online banking (if you follow that) and for the most part it is now just as it was in the olden days.

I have also found out how to answer my Smart Phone; it is a swipe from the bottom left to the top right and the phone is also useful as I have my vaccination record available to show if asked when we come out of lockdown.  To download that I had to tackle the MyGov site which, hitherto, I had tried to stay well away from;  but needs must and I can now access all the injections I have had over the last ten years or so.

I am going to revert to limericks which I have used before as the anthologies have the best ones and the modern ones are rather crass

The Limerick:-

There was a young man of Cape Horn
Who wished that he'd never been born;
And he wouldn't have been
If his father had seen
That the end of the rubber was torn.

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