My shoes untied but I don't care
I ain't a-figurin' on goin' nowhere
For I'd have to wash and comb my hair
And that's just wasted effort
For a quiet life in lockdown the last week has been surprisingly busy. On Monday evening I realised that one of Poppy's last teeth - a bottom canine - was hanging quite literally by a thread and the tooth was sitting outside her top lip but sometimes pointing up and sometimes down so I decided to take her to the vet the next morning and and have it removed. Knowing how they both react to the vet I decided to give her a sedative. As she resisted having her mouth opened I knocked the tooth and it fell out. It was HUGE. She was ecstatic that she was rid of it and galloped around like a kitten.
Then the day before yesterday Parsifal started vomiting all over the apartment; mostly bile (fur balls) and it stains so I spent a lot of the morning cleaning up and by evening I realised that he was not using the litter tray so yesterday morning I phoned the vet, dosed him with a sedative and took him in two hours later. He was not sedated enough and ripped his clipped claws down my hand; blood everywhere. The vet and I decided that he needed more sedation so I brought him home for another pill. Then yesterday afternoon, using a very devious manoeuvre she anaesthetised him and did a thorough physical examination including X-ray, heart, lungs and abdominal palpation before pronouncing him constipated but healthy.
He was still asleep when we got home and Poppy was convinced that he had been out on the town without her and growled and spat at him whenever she saw him. Only now, 24 hours later, will she let him even approach anywhere near her. Now I have realised that Poppy is also constipated so they were both given a laxative with their evening meal. And they are both curled up together finally to sleep.
The Limerick:-
To the nun said the priest drinking gin,
"Drinking gin is a terrible sin!
My condition is chronic
But I do need the tonic,
And something to put tonic in!"
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