Friday, October 23, 2020

Life Gets Tejus, Don't It (3)

 The water in the well just gettin' lower and lower

Can't take a bath at six months more

But I've heared it said and it's true, I'm sure

That to much bathin' will, will weaken you
(Recorded by Walter Brennan)

Life has been busy for the last couple of weeks.  Parsifal has finally been unblocked but it took several days before we got any results. He is now on a small dose of laxative a couple of times per week and has become very cuddly (when he is not beating up his sister who gives as good as she gets) and is mostly in bed with me when I wake up in the morning.  Poppy, now that her loose tooth is out has become very playful and kittenish which is lovely to see . . .so I now have two happy cats.

Last week I received a letter to remind me that I was due for a mammogram so I went and had that done three days ago.  It is something which I hate having done.  I know that it is designed to save me from something worse but now I am waiting for the results.  The technicians who do the ultrasound are not allowed to let the victim know the findings but they usually give some hint if all is OK and I understood that all is well but I need to know for sure as it is easy to misinterpret the hint such as I received this time, “all over and that is good.”

I spent yesterday sorting out my finances to send off to my accountant and only hope that there is enough for him to work with.  What with the dreaded NBN and the chaos it created with my banking I am not sure that I haven’t missed something vital.  I still get a sinking feeling whenever I have to do any on-line banking and since I now seem to have two passwords into my account there is still uncertainty about getting into my bank online.

And since the advent of the NBN my answer phone doesn’t work so I have switched it off and maybe I will have to get a new online phone as I hate my mobile phone which I had to buy in order to get back into my bank account; there is an app which gives me a code in response to a password which I have to enter.  It is all getting very complicated and I pity people in my age group who are being forced to use the internet for the first time in their 75 – 80 years in order to access their social security.

This coming week I have an appointment with the ophthalmologist regarding the removal of my second cataract which should have been done in March until Dr C. decided to take six months off and cancelled my appointment; and a visit to a foot surgeon for about a fifth opinion on the treatment of my sore toes which are seriously affecting my balance which, due to Meniere’s Disease is mostly by guess and by God and keeping my eyes fixed on where I want to walk to; and using my toes  -  which hurts.

The Limerick:-

There once was a pious young priest

Who lived almost wholly on yeast;

"For," he said, " it is plain

We must all rise again,

And I want to get started at least."


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