Wednesday, July 29, 2020

We Shall Overcome

. . . and this is not just floundering around trying to find out how to write a new Blog Post in the new format (which I have already forgotten but I think that it is a link which appears when I click on 'Posting as pinkozcat' .  It seems that every new 'improvement' on the internet involves searching and extra clicks.

What I am referring to now is my ongoing battle with my i-Pad which has steadfastly refused to recognise my fingerprint ID when I have needed to download a new app;  I even resorted to taking myself into the city at one time to the apple Shop to download something which I deemed essential.

Today I tried, in vain, to download the Chrome App and eventually went into google and asked some pointed questions.  The reply I received was easy, worked and should have been included in with such information as using one of my cats' paws or a spare nipple should I feel like stripping off whenever I needed a new app.

Here is what I did, following the newest instructions:-

Launch 'Settings' App
Navigate to 'Touch ID and Pass-code section 
Turn off toggle for 'I-tunes and App Store'
Re-boot the device (i.e. turn off at the switch at the side and count to 20)
Turn i-Pad on again

So simple and yet it seems to be one of Apple's deepest, darkest secrets never to be divulged to frustrated i-Pad users.

The red light is still flashing on my land-line phones but I can phone out, receive calls and the answerphone works so I am not too fussed.  I gather that I have to contact my NBN provider to get it switched off but I am putting that off until I recover from multiple repeats of "My voice is my password".

And the Limerick:-

Whenever a nun's feeling wild
She keeps herself quite undefiled
By thinking of Jesus, 
Contagious diseases
And the bother of having a child.

Friday, July 17, 2020

A little light at the end of the tunnel

Techie came yesterday and networked all my computer stuff and, hopefully, things will now work as they should.  I woke up at 4.30am yesterday morning in a muck sweat because I was going to pay an account but throughout the whole debacle Macquarie Bank has allowed my payments to go through with a minimum of fuss even when things were in a shocking muddle -  and Kobo has relented and is allowing me to load books onto my e-reader again.  It has taken about four weeks to get everything sorted so fingers crossed.

I am sort of getting to almost like my new mobile phone and today I bought it an overcoat and screen protector.  This shift is probably due to the fact that Techie suggested that the blinking lights in my fixed-line phones was because their batteries are about to fail. I have ordered more, noting that their warranty is just three years and it is just three years since I bought the last lot.  Hopefully they will keep the fixed-line phones working for a while as I have had enough of electronics to last me for now.

My birthday dinner had to be cancelled because I had a bad reaction to some new medication so it is going to be this Sunday instead.  In order to network my system I had to identify myself to my internet provider and that included voice recognition and stating my full name, address and birth date.  When I got to my Street name I received an incredulous sound on the other end of the phone and had to spell it.  It is unusual and apparently Italian and no-one quite knows how to pronounce it.  At the end of the transaction the operative on the other end of the line wished me a Happy Birthday.  :)

And speaking of addresses, last Friday I received an express package with the most garbled address on it and delivered to me because the only correct part was my full name and the street address although the number was a Chinese restaurant and when I opened it the sender believed that I had requested some special Optus cabling.  I checked that the Optus outlet downstairs was the Unit requesting the cabling and delivered the whole package to them.  I haven't heard anything further and my attempt to phone the sender produced no results.

The Limerick:-

There once was an old man of Lyme
Who married three wives at a time;
When asked, "Why the third?"
He replied, "One's absurd!
And bigamy, sir, is a crime."