Wednesday, December 11, 2019

"Where's the bread?"

We have two supermarkets down under and both seem to be going through upgrades.  Yesterday I was at the Independent Grocers' place and the staff there were actively moving stuff around.  I mostly visit that supermarket because they do not have "brand" produce and I get tired of crawling around the floor of Coles to find a "not a Coles product" which is invariably at the back of the bottom shelf.

Anyway as I searched the other one for their unbranded and unsweetened dried cranberries I met at least three people asking me if I knew where the bread was and as I finally left with  my cranberries, found with the help of an assistant, I was followed out by the plaintive cry of "Where is the bread?"

Yesterday I had the first of my two shower recesses sealed (the second will be done next week when I am again able to use the one in the main bathroom).  There seems to be a big drive on to get all the shower recesses sealed; there has obviously been some trouble, probably in Block A which is four years older than Block B where I have my apartment.  But the Strata management expects us to pay for the new grouting.  Life here is not cheap . . .

We are undergoing an unprecedented heatwave even before summer properly gets started and have three over 40 degree days to look forward to.  I have been slopping around in thin cotton caftans and with the air conditioning running.  Yesterday we didn't even get a sea breeze to cool us down and no sign of any cooling breeze as yet today.

As I left my apartment yesterday to return the shopping trolley  - very handy for moving stuff around  - a man descended from the roof (the steps up to the roof open just in front of the lift) and he said that he had been looking at the slats which are there to decorate the outside of the building as the window cleaners had obviously spat the dummy about cleaning them.  I gave him a rundown, as a resident, on the advantages of recommending that they should be removed, including that they block the view and the time when some kids broke into the building by climbing up them.  They didn't get further than the pool area due to the very tight security but the slats which were reachable from the ground were cut back to prevent anyone else using that way into the building.

The Limerick:-

A  father was driving a car
Quite slowly, when son said, "Papa,
If you drive at this rate
We're bound to be late,
Drive faster!" . . . He did . . . and they are.

Monday, December 9, 2019

Still limping around

My leg is getting better; the swelling is almost down although I am still wearing a support stocking and the bruising has almost gone so I am on the mend.

But things seem to be getting busy, what with Christmas and all.  This morning I attended an annual Christmas Brunch organised for and with retired physiotherapists.  As I didn't train here I really do not know any of them well and stubbornly forget their names from one year to the next  -  but it is good anyway.

D2 had a birthday over the weekend and the whole family went out to dinner last night at a restaurant which, when I first moved to Western Australia back in the dark ages, was the most comprehensive delicatessen I have ever seen before or since.  It gradually morphed into a restaurant and is now very busy and very noisy but serves Brussels sprouts cooked a way which D2 is particularly fond of.

The day after tomorrow my master bathroom is having its shower recess re-grouted and silicone sealed and next Tuesday, when the grout has settled, the guest bathroom will have its shower sealed as well. As the floors have to be dry I am currently using the shower in the guest bathroom and find that it is even more badly designed than the Master bathroom.

Mrs Apt B705 died sometime at the end of last week.  Her carer attended to her on Thursday and found her dead yesterday.  She wanted to die but it was a dreadful shock for the carer who had to deal with Ambos and police and clean things up as best she could. Mrs B705 was to have a second carer come in on the three off days but that arrangement was not to start until next year.

We have been having very hot weather  -  over 40 degrees and more to come this week.  Thank heaven for air conditioning although the sea breeze (AKA the Fremantle Doctor to out-of-towners) usually arrives in the afternoon and my apartment faces south so I get full advantage of it when it comes in.

The Limerick:-

A society climber from Crewe
Inquired, "What on earth shall I do?
I of course know what's what
But I fear I have not
The faintest idea of who's who."