Saturday, April 24, 2021

Life Gets Tejus, Don't It (7)

 Hound dog howlin' so forlorn

Laziest dog that was ever born

He's a-howlin' 'cause he's a-settin' on a thorn

An' just to tired to move over

(Recorded by Walter Brennan)

We are once again in Lockdown.  This time for only three days but I am not holding my breath as I think that there are a few more possible cases found over the last 24 hours.

I have had my first Astra-Zenica vaccination and the second one is due on 16th July.  If I survive that I should be in the clear until the next time but currently I am sporting a headache which feels like a migraine and hopefully that will go away in a few hours but D2 will be coming here to collect some cat food later today and she can check me out if I get concerned.

And speaking of cats  -  Parsifal has been vomiting again and it is definitely NOT a blockage this time so I am letting him sleep it off in the hope that it is nothing serious as visiting the Vet would be a bit difficult at the moment.

I am still having technical problems.  I think that I have finally sorted out the on-line banking and we are right back to where I was before the NBN with no need for the Authenticator or the Banking App and it is now problems with my new fixed-line phone which refuses to let me answer calls although it records the number so I can phone back.  So far it has only been nuisance calls and telemarketing so I am not that fussed and I am gradually putting my contact into the 'phone book' which seems to then recognise the callers and allows me to answer their calls.

And my E-reader has deleted all my books and emails and told  me that my e-mail address is invalid.  Not really a problem as it still allows me to download new books and maybe I just overloaded the library  -  I DID have the Mueller Report stored there and it must have taken up a huge amount of space.  I have it in hard copy but the print is so small that it is hard to read and not really relevant any more as the enquiry, if it ever eventuates, will all be reported by the NYT and Rachel Maddow.

I will try to get back to posting more often in the future as I use this blog as a diary.  But it has mostly been me and my struggle with technology over the last nine months and something I would prefer not to be reminded about  -  especially the banking.  When I phoned up for help (a frequent event) to be told, "Yes, we know who you are but you will still have to authenticate yourself."  even the bank must have realised that it was a bit silly.

The Limerick:-

An innocent bride from the mission
Remarked, on her first night's coition,
"So that intimate section
Is used for connection . . .
And in such an awkward position."