Friday, May 7, 2021

Life Gets Tejus, Don't It (8)

 The tin roof leaks and chimney lean

An' there's a hole in the seat of my old blue jeans

And I ett the last of the pork and beans

Just can't depend on nothin'

(Recorded by Walter Brennan)

Don't hold your breath but I  think that I have finally mastered my new fixed-line phone.  I was finding that whenever I followed the instructions and pressed the HOME button to connect with a caller I was cut off after a couple of words.  I was usually able to recognise the voice and call back and the phone tends to record the numbers of aborted calls but it was getting ridiculous and very frustrating so I went back to the drawing board.

There I found an alternative:-  "Press Home or any dialing key" so last time I pressed 7 and connected with a man offering me $4,000.00 to install solar panels.  I have spoken to him before on one of my re-callings and for the second time carefully explained that I live in an apartment with no control as to what is installed on the roof.  I suggested that it would be fruitless to keep on phoning me but I am not holding my breath on that one.

So now my phone works (I hope) and my banking is back to what it was pre-NBN albeit I am now "person 2" so it is time to master my Smartphone which I can sort of use, mostly for the 'safeWA' app but I have made an occasional call on it.  As I rarely give out the number no-one actually phones me on it (yet).

We have been in partial lock down again for the last week with masks whenever we step outside our apartments -  ending at one minute after midnight tonight but will still have to wear masks on public transport.  That is a bit of a lost cause because the buses are almost empty and the trains are not stopping at the Claremont Station due to months of ongoing upgrades.

Mothers' Day is on Sunday and there is dinner at D2's place but no suggestion from anyone as to how I will be getting there.  I am hoping for a lift but there is a very convenient bus.  D1, at my suggestion has sent me some knitting wool as it is something which I can use when my knitting group re-convenes and I hope that D3 is getting me some rubber feet for my yoga chair which, at the moment, slides along my tiled floor and offers very little support when I need it.

. . .and now the Limerick:-

Auntie Val is a very smart cookie,
She likes to mix gambling with nookie.
Before a big race
She goes home to her place
And curls up with a very good bookie.