Wednesday, October 24, 2018

All Clear

The results of the scan I had last week show that everything is normal.  The ultrasound technician was correct.  Never underestimate technicians -  especially from New Zealand  -  they often see more than the doctors and soon learn to interpret their own scans.

Today I had four nuisance calls on my personal alarm before lunch so I phoned the personal alarm help line who was not able to give me any help except to tell me to press the SOS button to cancel the call.  All well and good but I have to dig it out from under all my clothes which is not a good look when I am out having coffee with D3 and SIL.  I asked if there are many complaints about nuisance calls, was told 'no, not many' and realised why.  The man suggested that I ask the telemarketer to cross me off the list. Jear Desus!

I have lifted that expletive from a funny video lesson on learning to knit.  The man who created it seems to have made a fair number of "how to" videos and I will be following them up.

I was still getting dressed this morning (having been woken up by the first nuisance call) when I received a call from D3 to say that she and SIL were downstairs and would I like to join them for coffee so with that nice start to the day and the news of the scan results at the end of the day, all in all it has been good.  

The weather is predicted to warm up over the next few days so hopefully, now that I do not need biopsies or other invasive procedures, I will be out around the lake soaking up all that vitamin D.  Summer is finally getting here.

Yesterday was D1's birthday and she is getting older than I would like to think that any of my daughters are, GB1 had his end of formal school ceremony last night and my internet server turned 25, also yesterday.  I thought that I had been on the internet for longer than that so it was something of a surprise. A big day, yesterday.

The limerick:-

There was a young lady of Louth
Who returned from a trip to the South.
Her father said, 'Nelly,
There's more in your belly
Than ever went in by your mouth."

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Today I am wearing my comma police hat.

I visit Facebook every day and the thing which strikes me often is the proliferation of meaningless commas scattered throughout the posts.  I found this meme today and felt that it was memorable for the sheer number of unnecessary commas.

"About marihuana, the people that don't smoke it won't start, just because it is legal.  The people that do, will help pay taxes, and buy more munchies, to help the economy."

I counted four unnecessary commas in that short passage.  Another gripe (and here I get onto my hobbyhorse) is the use of 'that' instead of 'who' or 'which'.  But I digress. . .

Another gripe:  if you are tweeting and have a limited number of characters per tweet it seems to me that not using the 'F' word would give you four extra characters for every time you don't use it.  And is it necessary in every Facebook post?

OK  -  so I am in a bad mood.  It is now a week since I had my mammogram and no feedback so far.

I have been trying to re-educate the cats to their harnesses with a view to taking them out to the park in their Kitty Carriage and letting them have a little run on the grass.  Poppy is happy to wear her harness but gets seriously upset if I take her out for a walk and we have about 24 hours of hissing and spitting at Parsifal.  He, on the other hand, enjoys going out and meeting and greeting but today was cold and windy and he didn't like it although he had asked to be taken out.  

For some reason he is upset and noisy today.  I wish that he could talk and tell me what is wrong but although he has an extensive vocabulary that is, sadly, beyond even a very clever cat.

The Limerick:-

Rosalina, a pretty young lass
Had a truly magnificent ass:
Not rounded and pink,
As you possibly think -
It was grey, had long ears and ate grass.

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Boomerang Drone Mk. 5 - final post on the subject

My grandson has managed to get the cat drone working (I suspected that he would manage to do so) and is, according to his mother, having great fun with it so I am glad that it has gone to a good home after all the trauma.  I will not be on-line shopping at that site anymore and have notified them of my decision.

I had my mammogram five days ago and now have to wait (and wait) for the verdict to get to know if I am clear or if I will need biopsies to confirm whether I have breast cancer or not  -  again. I've been there and done that before and so far I have been lucky.  Long may it last but I am not holding my breath.

I have started taking the cats out for trips in the Kitty Carriage to socialise them and maybe make it easier to get them to and from the vet with me and Dr. L still in one piece.  I have sedatives to give them now but more exposure to the outside world should be good for them.  Parsifal enjoys the outings and sits at the front door and shouts that he wants to go out.  Today I put his harness on and let him out to explore.  He was wary in the town square but enjoyed his visit to Zoo which is a shop which sells all things pet  -  but not the pets themselves.

I took both of them out together a few days ago and Poppy reacted violently, spitting and growling at Parsifal for about 24 hours afterwards so I am going to have to take them separately until she gets more used to being out of her comfort zone and then try putting her harness on, although, in the past she never ventured out of the Kitty Carriage.  I can cope with that, it is the socialisation and new environment which she needs. Even when I have visitors to the apartment she tends to disappear into the Master Suite which is her safe place.

The Limerick:-

I once thought a lot of a friend
Who turned out to be in the end
The southernmost part
(As I'd feared from the start)
Of a horse with a northerly trend.

Friday, October 12, 2018

Today is my cats' seventh birthday

Yesterday I went to the doctor because she wanted to check on the lesions which she has frozen off my skin and while I was there she decided that I was due for another mammogram and checked me out only to find a lump so I am off to have a scan on Monday.  I have already had one false reading and hope that this will turn out to be the same but am not holding my breath.  A diagnosis of breast cancer would be, for me, a huge lifestyle change with the probable cessation of HRT and back to hot flushes.

I walked around the lake again this morning and this time I think that my pedometer gave an accurate reading.  It measured 4.23km which would give me a walking speed of about 5 km/hour which I suspect is just about right.  I went out early because the sky looked like imminent rain.  It still looks like rain but it hasn't happened yet.

The last time I went over to the park I looked for the pink orchid but was unable to find it.  Today, with more specific instructions I did find it.  A biggish clump with only one rather weary-looking flower so it may be getting a bit late in the season.  Hopefully I will be able to find it again next year when it is flowering more enthusiastically.

Looking around for something to entertain me I wondered if the local library might like a genealogy helper but found that there is already two hours per month of tuition which has to be booked.  I will speak to the Head Librarian when I am over the mammogram and probable biopsy and whatever follows from there.  I went to a free on-line program and put in the details of my parents and grandparents and was told that the program could now add over 70 more names.  That is no fun!!  I enjoy the hunt and find of genealogy research and to have some online program lift all those names from my proper family tree was cheating.

With a view to acclimatising the cats to the Kitty Carriage and all its works I took Parsifal for a quick trot around Claremont a few nights ago.  He seemed to enjoy it once he realised that we were heading in the opposite direction to the Vet.  Poppy hid under the bed.

The Limerick:-

There is an author's comment attached to this one;
"Somewhat off-colour  -  and the only such limerick that Langdon Reed ever allowed to appear in any of his many books.  It's to be feared that Reed did not get the pun in the last line."

There was a young fellow named Hyde
Who fell down a privy and died.
His unfortunate brother
Then fell down another,
And now they're interred side by side.

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Boomerang Drone Mk. 4

The eagle has landed!

The drone was dropped off at the Post Office today and a notification was emailed to me.  A.D. from told me that she had added some glitter balls to thank me for my patience but . . . the original glitch was that I neglected to put my Apartment Number in my address.  I emailed a correction before any despatch was possible but it arrived in Australia and was returned due to insufficient address.  

I paid to have it re-posted and iterated the correct address.  That was three months ago and it arrived today still with the wrong address but it had instructions to deliver it to the nearest Post Office and my telephone number was also on the label so besides sending it back to sender there were two alternatives to get the drone delivered.

So my insufficient postal address now seems to be fixed in concrete and anything else I buy from that company is going to face the same problem.  And if the drone doesn't work with fresh batteries it is a double reason to look elsewhere for cat toys.

Anyway, I have charged up the drone itself and put batteries into the control but the batteries may be old because there is a blinking light and no lift-off.  I will buy new batteries and try again after which I will turn it over to my grandson to see if he can get it going.

Parsifal appears to have had an intestinal blockage and was not happy about the Vet examining him so he ripped up my arm.  Things are moving again and I now have supply of tranquilisers just in case.  They are due for their annual physical early next year and I am not looking forward to it; nor is their vet.  I suggested taking the cats for visits to acclimatise them to the premises and found that many pet owners do that, especially dog owners.  They just sit in the waiting room for while and then leave so that is what I will be doing.

The Limerick:-

Concerning the bees and the flowers
In the fields and the gardens and bowers,
You will note at a glance
That their ways of romance
Haven't any resemblance to ours.