Thursday, September 19, 2019

Limericks Mk 2

My book of "Dirty limericks" has arrived and most of them I would not publish here so I will pick the eyes out of it and then Book-cross it.  There are a few tried and true ones, most of which I have already posted including the one which I had intended to use again today as it is one of my favourites.  It will be a repeat but from about two years ago so it may be new to some readers.

I received an email from the apartment Management last night to tell me that someone had reported that I had a broken window.  Very puzzling with the double glazing which has a membrane between the two sheets of glass but I checked anyway.  I was not able to find anything but this morning I went down to level 4 where I can see my windows from the outside and discovered that  panel below one of my bedroom windows had a huge hole in it from what looked like a flying rock.  I hadn't realised that the lower panels are glass on the outside  -  and very thick glass at that  -  about 1cm thick so it must have been something fairly hefty and which would have to have come either from Apt 511 or the roadway on Level 4.

Anyway, it has to be photographed and then the management will repair it.  As there is no way that I could have done the damage myself I hope that I am not charged for the repairs as I do not own the outer walls, only the space which my apartment occupies.

I have finished sewing up one of the sweaters which has been sitting for a while because I was not able to focus enough for close work and have started sewing up the Purple Possum and although it will be too warm to actually wear it until next winter, tonight the temperature is predicted to go down to 4 degrees and there is a nasty wind.  I have been wearing my old cycling jacket which is pure down and very warm  -  just not meant for fashion wear.

The limerick (from memory since I am not sure which category it resides in among the Dirty Limericks:-

Rosena, a pretty young lass
Had a truly remarkable ass.
It was not round and pink
As well you might think
But was grey, had long ears and ate grass.

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