Tuesday, February 9, 2016

From the Sublime to the Ridiculous

My first COTA client tomorrow wants to learn Windows 7 and my second one thinks that she needs Windows 10.  I have been warned that changing the computer from Win 7 to Win 10 will take a long time so I will, as I had intended anyway,  take in my two tablets and my hotspot.  I had hoped that I would not have to tote two computers to COTA every week now that the computers have been rebuilt but, ah, well ...

The babies are going to the vet on Friday (day after tomorrow) to have their vaccinations and a general health check.  I have clipped their claws in the hope that they will not need an anaesthetic to have more teeth out (my rationale being that if they need a GA then I would have their claws clipped while they were anaesthetised).

While Poppy bites when she has her claws clipped and I muzzle her to do that it will not stop Parsifal biting anyone who dares to take his temperature.  And so a good time will be had by all and I will be glad to get it over.  And speaking of temperatures  -  we are into our fourth day of over 40 degree heat but Friday is predicted to be down to 32 degrees  -  hence the Friday appointment to venture out in the Kitty Carriage.

 Apropos the SAD Lamp Saga, Amazon is repaying my postage by giving me credit for the exact amount so I have been looking at books and have put two on my wish list for when the credit comes through in about a week when the lamp gets back to America.  It is very nice of them and they have made it so easy after all the hassles I had returning it the first time.  That was to the supplier of the lamps; Amazon is the selling agent and has bent over backwards to set things straight for me.  Thank you, Amazon.com

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