Friday, March 23, 2018

The Immortal Thomas Mendus

Since having my DNA analysed I have been working on my family tree again  -  it is an on and off sort of research.  I am back among the Davies's which is where I scored most of my Welsh DNA.  The Davies family was much-married and my 4 x great-grandmother was a Mendus.  Her father was Thomas Mendus whose son was Thomas Mendus who had a "base-born' son called Thomas Mendus who had a son .... I am sure that you get the gist.

Scrolling through looking for the birthdate of the original Thomas I have discovered that there are Thomas Mendus's listed right up until about the 1950s  -  and they are all cousins albeit much removed.  I googled the name and found that it originally came from Spain (Iberian Peninsular) and then to Russia (North West Russia) and now most people of that name are in USA and Russia but in the 1800s most of the family were in Wales.  And that accounts for most of my DNA  -  except for the Vikings.

I haven't needed to activate my Person Alarm and hopefully I never will but have now received three telemarketing calls, the last of which was during my knitting group amid much laughter as it appeared to be emanating from my belly.  When the caller heard the laughter she rapidly hung up.  I know that it is a 'she' because she calls at least once and often twice per day wanting all my personal details and rabbiting on about charities.  I actually decided to hear her out once but refused to give her all my personal details and she hung up in disgust. 

The Sudoku for the week:-

The Tao that is seen
Is not the true Tao  -  until
You bring fresh toner.

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