Sunday, April 12, 2020

. . . and Little Captive Drop Bears

I have been in lockdown for over four weeks now and I am getting lazy.  I have lists of things which I should be doing but somehow I rarely get around to doing them and instead sit, knit and listen to the Rachel Maddow Show.  However, there is starting to be a dreary sameness to the news out of America; not enough medical equipment, unevenly distributed medical equipment and people dying for the reasons stated above.

Australia has instigated very strict rules about travel between states, regions and just simply out in public:  wear a mask, wash your hands, wash your hands with soap for at least 20 seconds and use a hand sanitiser if there is nowhere to wash your hands, do not touch your face, keep at least one metre away from anyone in public and wash your hands with soap for at least 20 seconds.  It is all very repetitive but seems to be working as 'the curve' is flattening.

As I have now been in lock-down for over three weeks I am in no danger to anyone and am thinking of starting to walk around the lake again (masked, of course and carrying my little bottle of hand sanitiser in my bum-bag) if my sore toes will let me and as the weather gets kinder to walkers.  Walking rapidly in 40 degree heat and humidity would be neither fun nor beneficial.

I have my bear in the window to signify that I am locked down and a couple of days ago I removed the label from around his neck, read it and discovered that his name was 'Dolly'.  He was never a Dolly and he now has a new name  -  Kovid Koala and, of course, he is a drop bear, one of the more fearsome sort but sadly lacking in gum trees to drop from.

I now have Skype on my I-Pad and chat to D1 and D2.  I still haven't tried it out on my MS Surface Pro1.  When I fired it back up and recharged it ready to go it took two days to upload all the MS changes  (literally two days).  All in all about 20 hours and I am fearful of finding out just how it will behave but Teckie phoned me to say that he can fix my computers remotely if they need fixing.  He has done that before but I fear that the Surface Pro might need more than that and I am too scared to try it as it will almost certainly be an "as new" computer after all its self improvements.

The Limerick:-

There was an old man in a hearse
Who murmured, "This might have been worse;
Of course the expense
Is simply immense,
But it doesn't come out of MY purse."

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